Art project exploring local environment  

On Thursday 21 April, our Year 10 Art GCSE class spent time with artist Catherine Yass as part of their project focusing on the theme of ‘Contained. With Catherine’s support, the class linked this concept to our local environment and the architectural structures in Paddington. These images will be used to create work inspired by Catherine’s photography and film work to explore ideas of freedom and claustrophobia. The theme centres around the idea that buildings can give you a sense of freedom; feeling you are high in the sky, or alternatively a sense of being enclosed, depending on the light and texture and colours.     Students considered how buildings can affect people’s behaviour, and how light can create a feeling of space and happiness. Ms Beddoes in the Art Department says: “The class had wonderful talk through Catherine's work, and it was fascinating to hear about her films made in China and Israel which questioned the building of walls and captured the sense of monumental scale of these structures. These are thoughts and concepts we will be investigating as our project evolves."


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