Exam Results

Exam results for 2024 are not yet validated.

Highlights from the 2024 exams include:

  • 60% of boys have received a Grade 5+ in Maths and 77% received a 4+ in Maths
  • 70% of boys received a Grade 5+ in English and 85% have been awarded a 4+ in English
  • 28% of all our grades are Grade 9 to Grade 7
  • The percentage of boys passing English and Maths at Grade 5+ is 53%
  • The percentage of boys passing English and Maths at Grade 4+ is 75%

GCSE Results 2023

Key Stage 4 Performance Data

Year 11 Performance Data

Marylebone Boys’ School 2023

Marylebone Boys’ School 2022

National average 2022

National average for boys 2022

Progress 8 Score (progress made between the end of primary school and the end of secondary school








Attainment 8 Score (how well students have performed in up to eight qualifications)








Percentage of pupils achieving a strong pass (Grade 5 or above) in English and Maths at the end of Key Stage 4









Percentage of pupils achieving a Standard pass (Grade 4 or above) in English and Maths at the end of Key Stage 4











EBacc average point score







Key Stage 5 Performance Data

MBS Sixth Form received its fourth set of A Level results in summer 2024.

There was a particularly strong performance in the STEM subjects, with 31% of students who studied Mathematics awarded with A*-A.  The success continued in the Humanities and Modern Foreign Language subjects, with 83% of students studying History achieving A*-C grades and 75% of students studying Spanish achieving A*-C.  

Furthermore, this year one pupil has secured a place at the University of Cambridge and another student will be going to the University of Oxford. They are the first MBS Sixth Form students to achieve this accolade. 


Whilst we celebrate the collective effort of our pupils, there were some standout individual performances. Special mentions go to the following students who achieved outstanding results: 

  • Milo with three A*s, one A and a grade 1 and 2 in his Cambridge STEP exams 
  • Rayhan with one A* and four As  
  • Yusuf with two As and one B 
  • Lydia with one A and two Bs 
  • Diogo with one A and two Bs 
  • Maab with one A and two Bs 
  • Abel with one A and two Bs 

To view further information about performance data for Marylebone Boys’ School, please access the following link: 


Get In Touch
Marylebone Boys' School
North Wharf Road
London W2 1QZ
T: 0203 143 7100
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