We are very proud of our 2024 GCSE exam results, with the pupils having worked incredibly hard and persevered to achieve their grades. We have some fantastic stand-out results and are very pleased for these individuals and their families.
Highlights from the 2024 exam series include:
In Key Stage 5, MBS Sixth Form received its fourth set of A Level results in summer 2024.
There was a particularly strong performance in the STEM subjects, with 31% of students who studied Mathematics awarded with A*-A. The success continued in the Humanities and Modern Foreign Language subjects, with 83% of students studying History achieving A*-C grades and 75% of students studying Spanish achieving A*-C.
Furthermore, this year one pupil has secured a place at the University of Cambridge and another student will be going to the University of Oxford. They are the first MBS Sixth Form students to achieve this accolade.
Progress 8 score: + 0.16
Percentage of pupils who achieved a grade 5 or above in GCSE English and GCSE Maths: 56.0%
Attainment 8 school: 52.4
Percentage of pupils staying in education or going into employment after Key Stage 4: 93%
Percentage of pupils who were entered for the EBacc: 70.7%
EBacc average point score: 4.85
Average A Level result: D
Point score: 20.88
Retention measure: 98.4%
Students progressing to education/employment: 85%
To view further information about performance data for Marylebone Boys’ School, please access the following link: www.find-school-performance-data.service.gov.uk/school/140884/marylebone-boys'-school