With three weeks left until the end of term, we have taken the decision to invite pupils from Years 7, 8 and 9 back into school for some contact time with their tutors.
This will be an opportunity to find out how pupils have coped with online learning during the period of lockdown, to discuss ways to prepare for next academic year and for pupils to share any concerns they may have. Pupils will be asked to remove all their belongings from their lockers, in readiness for the summer clear-out.
Pupils will come into school by tutor group, which means that they will only be required to come into school once over the course of the next three weeks. Parents/carers will be contacted by the school to be informed of their individual appointment slot which will take place between the hours of 9.00-10.50am.
Tutors groups will attend on the following dates:
Parents/carers will be permitted to escort their son into school and to attend the appointments if they wish to do so, however the school cannot facilitate with parking requirements. We will ensure social distancing is in place during pupil appointments and any student or parent/carer entering the building will have their temperature taken.