Launch of bridging programmes to support exam year groups with next stages

To support our pupils in Year 11 and Year 13 both academically and personally after what has been a difficult year, we have put in place a bridging programme that will allow them to feel prepared and ready for their next stage of education, For Year 11, this will be a ‘Bridge to Post 16’ and for Year 13 it will be a ‘Bridge to University and beyond’. This will include academic sessions and opportunities to learn about life skills.
Both of these programmes will run from 7th-18th June. Participation is optional but the sessions are open to all pupils in these year groups. We will ensure the content is fit for purpose for each of these year groups. A full outline of the programme will be published and pupils will be able to sign up for these sessions before the half term break.

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T: 0203 143 7100
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