MBS participation in Royal Albert Hall concert

On the evening of Thursday 7 March, 26 of our students performed in the Royal Albert Hall as part of the Triborough Music Hub project CONVO.  This was a brand new piece of music written by composer Charlotte Harding for this event which had 600 students from 39 secondary, primary and special schools across the Triborough area, plus the Triborough Music Hub vocal and instrumental ensembles. It was an incredible event with an audience of almost 5000.  

The boys memorised over an hour of music, including Latin lyrics and Morse Code, and performed brilliantly.  It required a lot of dedication and hard work and we are all so proud of them.  They represented MBS brilliantly.  Special thanks to the teachers who helped us go all over Westminster to rehearsals, Ms Ahmed, Ms Costello, Ms Legg, and special thanks to Ms Biggins for singing with us so brilliantly for the performance.

Report by Ms McGill-Wright 

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T: 0203 143 7100
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