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The My Child at School App (MCAS) has launched to parents/carers with parental responsibility of students at MBS.

The app will be able to share a wide range of information about your child. You will be able to view your child's school data on multiple devices, including smartphone, laptop and tablet. You can download the MCAS app via the Apple or Google play store.

MCAS will provide you with:

  • Achievement positive points
  • Behaviour negative points
  • Attendance data for morning (AM) and afternoon (PM) Registration
  • Academic progress reports
  • Subjects and Teachers  - on the web based version, not the MCAS App
  • Timetable information  - on the web based version, not the MCAS App.

A guide to using the app can be downloaded here, and if you have forgotten your password, please click here.

If you are having problems accessing MCAS app, please visit the form linked here to answer frequently asked questions. If you need further assistance, please contact the Data Manager via

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Marylebone Boys' School
North Wharf Road
London W2 1QZ
T: 0203 143 7100
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