There is currently a vacancy for a Parent Governor on the Governing Body of Marylebone Boys’ School.
All parents and guardians of children at the school are eligible to stand as candidates, and vote at the election. Any parent who is elected must have a child at the school at the time of the election, but may continue to serve as a governor for four years if he or she wishes, even if his or her child leaves school during that time. If there are more candidates than vacancies, a ballot will be held. Each parent/guardian will have one vote for every parent governor vacancy.
There are some restrictions on who can and cannot stand as a governor. A list of factors which would disqualify a parent from being a governor is provided in the nomination pack. All candidates are asked to read the list and if eligible to stand as a governor, return the signed declaration with their nomination form. When a candidate is elected, they will be subject to full safeguarding requirements to check their suitability of working with children - this includes an enhanced DBS check.
You can nominate yourself, or you can nominate another parent; please check with them that they are willing to stand and ask them to sign the nomination form and the declaration in the spaces provided. There is space on the nomination form for a personal statement in support of your nomination.
Parent Governors fulfil key functions in schools and being a Parent Governor involves giving time, energy and commitment. A detailed breakdown of the role of a Parent Governor can be viewed on the National Governance Association website
Applicants are asked to be aware that Governor names are published on ‘Get Information about Schools’, a Government register of schools and college in England, and on Companies House.
If you would like to be a candidate, please submit the nomination form by 5.00pm on Wednesday 5 May 2021. Details on how to do this are included in the nomination pack via the link below
Nomination Pack (click to download).
The pack includes the nomination form, declaration of eligibility and candidate's personal statement sheet. If you require a paper copy of the nomination pack, please contact us on and we will post a copy to you.