SEND Offer

At Marylebone Boys’ School we have high expectations of all our students and believe that with appropriate support and intervention, all students can succeed, achieve and thrive, and inequalities can be tackled successfully.

We are committed to developing the whole person; we recognise the importance of providing students with an appropriate curriculum that is both supportive and challenging, so that they can attain positive academic outcomes, become confident individuals and be well prepared for adulthood.

With high quality and differentiated teaching we will meet the needs of most of our students. Some students, however, may need a more specialised approach, for which we draw on a range of appropriate interventions. We listen to the views of the student and value working in partnership with parents and carers when making decisions about SEND and meeting the additional needs of individuals.

Our SEND information report (downloadable via the link below) outlines our approach to meeting the needs of SEND students and the range of resources we can offer. Please note, our SENDCo is Ms Lee. If you are a current parent and need to contact the school about any SEN enquiries, please email If you are a prospective parent with a query regarding SEN, please also contact

Get In Touch
Marylebone Boys' School
North Wharf Road
London W2 1QZ
T: 0203 143 7100
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