Our Sports Day on Wednesday this week at Willesden Sports Centre was held in memory of our colleague and teacher Ryan Tilley.
During the morning, our boys impressed us with the sportsmanship they displayed during the various track and field events. We were especially proud of the mature and respectful conduct of our boys during the special tribute to Mr Tilley, which was made even more poignant by the fact that Mr Tilley’s family had travelled from Leicester to be part of the day.
Following the sporting competitions, each and every pupil received a blue or yellow balloon, themed to the colour of Leicester City FC - Mr Tilley’s football team – and came together to form a large rectangle on the field. Once all 400 balloons had been handed out, pupils and adults simultaneously released the balloons, forming a sea of blue and yellow against an already calm blue sky.
Mr Tilley’s family commented on how sensitively the boys treated the occasion and they expressed gratitude for the messages of support they had received from the school community since the passing of Mr Tilley in February.
Brunel was the winning House on Sports Day for the third time in a row, with the following points tally: Faraday ended the day with 130 points, with Newton in third with 204. Second saw Darwin scoring 216 Points and our winners of the Sports Day trophy for 2018 was Brunel with 224 points from the day.
During our Year 10 Rewards Assembly, a trophy in honour of Mr Tilley was awarded to the best sportsman in the school. We are proud to say that the trophy went to Jermaine, for his outstanding performance in football over the year and for his commitment to his GCSE PE course.
Jermaine says, “When we heard about Mr Tilley passing away, we were all shocked. He was such a good person and he loved football. We decided to write a tribute on our football shirts for our Westminster league game which we played soon after he passed away. We won that match, which was really special to us because we had dedicated it to our teacher. Receiving the Ryan Tilley Sports Award today makes me feel really honoured, as I’m the first person in the school to receive this and it will always me think of Mr Tilley.”