UKMT Senior Team Maths Challenge

On Monday 18th November, Marylebone Boys' School was represented for the first time at a regional final for the UK Mathematics Trust Senior Team Maths Challenge, held in The Octagon at Queen Mary University of London, Mile End. 

Li and Rio in Year 12, and Anis D and Shashwat in Year 10 put forward a valiant effort against 30 other schools in a tense competition that tested their teamwork and problem-solving skills. Whilst they lost out to last year's regional finalists from St Paul's Girls' School, they did themselves and MBS proud in participating.

The Maths department is now looking forward to the Junior Team Maths Challenge in the coming year, where Key Stage 3 students can take part. If your son would like to register his interest in one of four spots on the Junior team, he should speak with Miss Ali in the Faculty of Maths. 


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