Monday 22 March will be the last day for onsite testing, by which time all the students, who had consent to be tested, will have been offered three tests. We have so far carried out over 1000 tests and I would like to commend the maturity with which all our students have approached the testing process.
All students who have been tested, except Year 9 students who have their final test on Monday 22 March, will have been given a self-test kit. The government have said that once students have been offered three tests in school, they will do all further tests at home and these kits contain the equipment needed to carry out three Lateral Flow Device (LFD) tests at home.
By Friday 26 March we will offer three self-test kits to all students in the school. This will mean that all students will have the ability to carry out nine LFD tests at home, allowing students to test themselves during the Easter break. An instruction booklet will be sent home with the test kits which contain all the information you need to carry out the tests and record the results.
Students should carry out two tests per week, with a minimum of three days and a maximum of five days between each test. These LFD tests do not replace testing for those with symptoms. If you have symptoms, or if you receive a positive LFD test, you must self-isolate immediately and book a PCR test and follow national guidelines. It is also very important to inform the school should your child receive a positive test.