Today, 16 volunteers from Marks & Spencer spent the morning in school to support our Year 10s with their interview skills as part of Careers Week. The morning started with workshops on interview preparation and CV writing skills to prepare for one-to-one mock interviews. Once the groups had generated and shared their ideas, each pupil undertook a 15 minute interview with a Marks & Spencer staff member, with questions focusing on leadership, future plans and a few left field queries, such as enquiring what fruit they would describe themselves as. Students found the experience useful and enjoyed dressing smartly in their suits for the day.
Two pupils share their impressions from their own one-to-one interviews:
“The mock interview gave me a real understanding into how an interview would feel and look like. The interviewer asked me some questions I didn’t expect, and these made me think more deeply about my answers. I also realised that I need to be really prepared when going to an interview and it made me understand the importance of being organised in how I prepare for my school work as well.”
“Today made me realise that I have to be prepared for my future, because I didn’t think candidates would be asked some of the questions I was asked. I think I did well in my eye contact and body language but I now know that I need to work on my communication style so that I can come across more confidently in my next interview.”
Photos from the day can be viewed on our Facebook page here.