MBS Sixth Form is a co-educational sixth form that opened in September 2019 in the heart of the Paddington Basin, in Westminster in central London. We are proud to have created a school curriculum based on academic rigour, where you will be set challenging targets and supported to meet them. Our sixth form has amazing facilities such as a state-of-the-art Design Technology suite, a Rooftop Muga pitch and huge Sports Hall to name a few of our excellent amenities.
As our sixth form is continuing to grow, and were delighted to open our dedicated state-of-the-art sixth form centre in November 2021 which is close to our main school on North Wharf Road - further enhancing our sixth form provision and experience.
The curriculum we offer in our sixth form is based on the academic specialisms of our highly trained staff and provides a solid foundation for you to progress onto higher education at the top universities or higher level apprenticeships. Our ultimate goal is to prepare you to be professional men and women who are ready to enter the challenging 21st century job market.
As well as the academic curriculum, our extended curriculum enables you to receive a high standard of pastoral care as well as any support needed in your chosen subjects. It will also provide you with opportunities to develop your leadership skills, personal skills and interests which will contribute to the applications you make in your future academic and professional careers.