Student Leadership

At Marylebone Boys' School, we are passionate about developing the leadership qualities of our students. We want to ensure students know what it entails to be a good leader and how they can build and utilise the characteristics and qualities associated with leadership in their everyday lives.

We believe that students should play an active role in the future growth and development of the school by taking up various roles and responsibilities throughout the academic year. This is instrumental in developing deeper student engagement, as well as equipping students with the skills required to prepare them for life in a democratic and modern British society.

Student Leaders are the school’s role models. They must be a student who meets our school’s expectation of good behaviour, has 95% attendance, consistent punctuality and wears the correct school uniform. All Student Leaders are required to wear a Student Leadership identification badge.

Opportunities available to students include:

School Council

Two representatives from each year group sit on the School Council and attend termly meetings. They feed back information from their individual year council meetings to the School Council and vice-versa. They have to ensure they remain impartial to their year group and house affiliation and have the interests of the school and the whole student body in mind. The School Council provides a vehicle for the student body to have a clear voice and direct line of communication to the Senior Leadership Team.

Tutor Group Representatives

Two representatives from each tutor group represent their tutor group and their House within their year group council meetings (one per term). By running weekly tutor time sessions, they gather student feedback on important information and issues, as well as take the views of their peers to the year group council.

Sports Leaders

Up to 30 students from Year 9-11 representing the school as positive role-models in the local community deliver PE sessions at local primary schools. These students also participate in Westminster sports activities.

Student Receptionists

All Year 8 students have the opportunity to act as the face of the school for one day. They will welcome visitors and assist in the overall running of the school for that day.

Student Ambassadors

Student Ambassadors will be called upon throughout the year to assist with parents’ evenings, open days, student panel interviews and tour guides for visitors. Their primary responsibility is to act as representatives for Marylebone Boys’ School. We encourage all students to become Student Ambassadors at some point in their education.

We aim to instil leadership qualities across our student body by encouraging them to work with staff to try new challenges, find solutions and embrace responsibility.

Get In Touch
Marylebone Boys' School
North Wharf Road
London W2 1QZ
T: 0203 143 7100
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