
Publication of Ofsted inspection report

On 15 and 16 November 2022, we received a two-day Ofsted inspection and we are delighted to share that we have maintained our Ofsted rating of a 'Good' school.

We would like to take a moment to thank our pupils who were involved in the many group discussions with the Ofsted inspectors and those who were visited during their lessons as part of teaching practice observations. The pupils were fantastic ambassadors for the school, and we are extremely proud of the excellent manners and professionalism they showed during the visit.

We are also grateful to our parents/carers who took the time to complete the school survey on Ofsted Parent View. These submissions allow the Ofsted inspectors to understand the views of our parent community.

Here are some highlights from the Ofsted report:

  • "Pupils and their families appreciate this welcoming school. Pupils learn well here. They are polite and respectful, both towards each other and staff...Pupils are kept safe and feel well looked after. Behaviour around the building is calm and respectful. Pupils and sixth-form students said that bullying is rare and sorted out by staff if it does occur. Staff deal with any incidences swiftly and pupils trust them to do so."
  • "Pupils are excellent ambassadors for their school. Most are very eager to learn. Across the school, pupils enjoy taking part in the wide range of extra-curricular clubs and activities that staff organise for them."
  • "There is a strong culture of safeguarding in which staff are alert to pupils who may be at risk of harm. Leaders identify and assess risks to pupils’ welfare effectively. They work productively with external agencies to ensure that pupils are kept safe. This helps to ensure that pupils and their families get the support they need swiftly."
  • "There is a strong focus on pupils’ reading. Leaders and teachers promote its importance. Pupils talk with enthusiasm about the books that they are reading. Well-targeted support for pupils who need to catch up is provided. This typically supports these pupils to read with greater accuracy and confidence."
  • "The curriculum is typically ambitious and well designed. Leaders have high expectations of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). These expectations are realised in the classroom, and pupils enjoy learning broad and detailed knowledge across the curriculum. Most pupils stay on to the sixth form and of those, almost all go on to universities of their choice."
  • "The extensive wider development programme aims to help pupils to become responsible citizens and critical thinkers. Pupils explained how challenges such as redrafting written work, redesigning projects, reading demanding texts and dealing with failure all encourage them to become more resilient. Pupils and sixth-form students spoke eloquently about how they are taught to respect others. They learn about healthy relationships in age-appropriate ways. The careers programme helps to prepare pupils well for the next stage of education, employment or training."

To read the full report, please visit the Ofsted website using the following link here.

Finally, we would like to thank our parents/carers for their ongoing support of the school and we hope you enjoy reading the inspectors' comments.

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Marylebone Boys' School
North Wharf Road
London W2 1QZ
T: 0203 143 7100
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